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The mindUp targetSuite is a online marketing toolbaox for context sensitive advertisements and special targeting methods e.g. geo targeting.

contentDetection - detect automatically what it's all about!

contentDetection detects content and context of web pages and provides knowledge to select and create optimized advertisements.

mindUp contentDetection is a module and a service for extraction and classification of web page content. It's based on maschine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms to classify a web page within a topology and extracts relevant keywords and text parts, which are important for the identified subject.

contentDetection is a self learning system and is able to dynamically change its behavior to reflect on changes.

Feature list contentDetection:

  • Highly parallelized crawling of web pages
  • Subject detection and keyword identification
  • Knowledge extraction with machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • Detection of frames, sessions, redirections, languages, and many more
  • Language independent: German, French, English, Chinese, ... and many more
  • Contextual advertising
  • Detection of brand conflicts or damage to one's image
  • Contextual content
  • Personalized paid search
  • Personalized advertisements

Example ad banner about topic "MP3-Player"

bannerServer - On demand advertising

You can find a pile of ads everywhere -
with targetSuite's banner server, you will have always the successful ones.

Contextual ads on content or on local data do have special requirements:

  • Dependent on page or local context of the user, the system have to select the most successful products out of millions possible candidates.
  • Detect and insert sensitive cross selling products
  • Mix meaningful category and search links into the result ad candidate
  • In comparison to the requirements of standard ad servers the targetSuite's banner server assembles the banner for each single user on-the-fly.

bannerServer features:

  • Banner serving based on live product database
  • Scalable for millions of ad impressions per day
  • Adaptive and dynamically changeable for each banner delivery
  • Standard marketing formats like leaderboard, sky, rectangle, button, etc. Extendable with any custom format
  • Targeting through contextual targeting, geo targeting, retargeting
  • Test case campaigns and automatic click optimization
  • Fraud detection to avoid unwanted traffic